Course Structure
3 trimesters per year (normally 4 subjects per trimester)

Core Subjects
*where applicable
- Accounting for Decision Making
- Principles of Economics
- Principles of Data Analysis for Business
- Introduction to Management Concepts and Application
- Business Communication
- Marketing Matters
- Business Law
plus one of the following Work Integrated Learning Capstone Subjects:
- Professional Internship*
- Multidisciplinary Project
- Independent Project*
Additional Course Conditions:
In the JCU Bachelor of Commerce, students conclude their studies with a core Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experience that connects them with the business community, enabling them to demonstrate their graduate skills to potential employers.
To be eligible to apply for WIL, students must successfully complete prescribed online career development modules and quizzes throughout the degree to better prepare them for their WIL experience.
Note: Upon recommendation students are required to complete English for Academic Purposes subject to meet progression requirements.